On the first day of the month, the topic and link to the Ted Talk is distributed to those who sign up to receive it. This will give everyone an opportunity to preview the talk before the discussion. To sign up to be added to the Ted Talk distribution list, send your email request to PUMCTEDTALK@GMAIL.COM. Once added, you will receive a confirmation email.

On the second Monday of month the Ted Talk discussion will be held. An email reminder will be sent that morning, giving the start time and the Zoom link. The Ted Talk for that evening will be shown, followed by an open dialogue. Each session, is scheduled to last one hour, but on occasions has been extended when the conversation dictate. The rules for discussion are — you respectfully listen to the views of all presents, and do no harm with your words.


All are invited to join the TED TALK 


 TED TALK Zoom link — https://us06web.zoom.us/j/94375612607?pwd=U1pUQjM5Zm1TUXpjVWJZNklJd1Eydz09

Visitors Count: 355