
As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.

1 Peter 4:10

As a United Methodist church, PUMC adheres to the operational guidelines as set forth in the Book of Discipline. Accordingly, our church leadership is nominated and approved annually within the following committees:

(to see who is currently serving leadership of these committees, visit Who we are…)

The Trustees manage the church’s physical property and all its operation.

Church Council is comprised of all church leadership and its meetings are open to all members of the congregation. All operational matters of the church are discussed at Church Council.

The Finance Committee develops an operational budget for the church and oversees all aspects of the General Budget (revenue through giving and expenses, both unrestricted and restricted accounts).

SPR is the committee responsible for “Human Resources” of the church. This committee hires employees and monitors job performance and satisfaction.

The Discipleship and Education Committee develops and offers opportunities for people to grower deeper in their relationship with Christ: Sunday School classes, off-site gatherings, Bible studies, book discussion groups, and more.

Click HERE for more.

The Missions Committee arranges opportunity for people to serve the Lord through service. 

Click HERE for more.

Growth & Evangelism invites and welcomes newcomers to PUMC. Members of this committee are active int he community sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and PUMC. “Free Hugs, anyone?”

Click HERE for more.

Sunday School classes for children, summer Vacation Bible School, holiday pageants, and MORE, are designed, developed and offered through Children’s Ministries.

Click HERE for more.

Opportunities for  worship, discipleship, service and fellowship for “tweens” and teenagers are developed by the Youth Ministries.  

Click HERE for more.

The Dismantling Racism Committee meets regularly to study and discern how we can make PUMC, our community and our world full of Christ’s love for all.

To anyone interested in serving on a committee at PUMC, contact the church secretary who will direct you to the appropriate person.